About being a member
Membership & Renewals
Membership Information
We welcome new members and our existing members to renew membership for another year. The Noosa Jazz Club holds frequent events for members and guests with a discounted price for members.
To keep up to date with all of our news and events we invite you to subscribe to our regular notifications sent to you by email or text.
Members are automatically added to our mailing list without subscribing.
Some Frequent Questions & Answers
Why should I become a member?
Becoming a member is the best way to be involved and to access 'members only' benefits.
What are the benefits of membership?
Discounted ticket prices as shown here:
$5 off the ticket price for the monthly Club Events at the Majestic Theatre in Pomona.
15% off the ticket price to the jazz concerts at The J Theatre and The Majestic Theatre during the Nosa Jazz Festival.
What is my $20 membership donation used for?
The Noosa Heads Jazz Club finances operations and overhead costs such as:
Public liability and volunteer accident insurance, internet, website, telephone, internet, website, postage and telephone.
Although we are a not-for-profit organisation, we need to build a cash reserve to cover advance payments for the annual Noosa Jazz Festival such as musicians' airfares and advertising and promotional costs.
Your donation of $20 in return for an annual membership helps the Club plan for the future.